Sunday, May 27, 2012

The man called Zaccheus

Zacchaeus was a tax collector who saw the goodness of God. By his status he was described as rich. Nevertheless he made a bold decision that many are afraid to make today. He could have chosen to ignore Jesus Christ, but he decided to get a clear view of Jesus when our Lord was passing through his area. He knew that making the effort to climb on top of a tree, would rightly position him to see Jesus.

He decided to be in the Will and on the Way of our Lord Jesus Christ and amazingly, he saw Jesus and it did not end there, Jesus also saw him!  Zacchaeus, climbed 'on top of everything' when many were merely walking on the ground.

Zacchaeus positioned himself. This is what you need to do in this season, to be in position to see and declare the glory of the Lord. 

Now let me tell you about my newly released book titled "The destiny of a Man." This book explains the dynamics of  how God designs destinies for humanity, it tell you the benefits of living your God given destiny and teaches you how to live your destiny as planned by God.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hearing From God

I have recreated the hearing from God series for posting on this blog and here you would see the topics that I taught at conferences and churches which I compiled into a booklet titled "Tune Into Heaven and Listen to God." This booklet is available for free as a PDF file at

Due to the deceptions of the flesh many are led to believe that God does not speak as He spoke to the Patriarchs and other bible personalities. This is a lie being peddled to the ignorant so that they would be cut out of the goodness of God. 

God has a divinely designed destiny for every man and every nation, which many believe there is. But the question is how do you live a destiny designed by God if you cannot hear the directions He is giving you concerning your destiny?

We have a commission from the Lord God to teach the nations about how to call on the Lord. Men must call on the Lord for Him to reveal their next destination in life and how to accomplish that destiny. 

Jeremiah 33:3 assures us that when we call God will answer us, and so, what we should be working to perfect is how to hear from God, this should be everyone's priority in this dispensation, in accordance with the promises of God in Joel 2:28-29, "And it shall be afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions. And also I will pour out My Spirit on the slaves and on the slave women in those days."

This is the season God was speaking about in that scripture; telling us that all men young and old, male or female, slave or free will have access to the Holy Spirit and be able to hear from God through visions, dreams, prophecy and other manifestations of the Spirit of God.

If you are a God seeker, it is good that you found God, now the next level is to hear what God is saying to you so that you can obey and please Him as a God pleaser; a man walking with God without blame, as the bible described Job and others.

Follow this series and we would be excited to have your comments, for iron sharpens iron, and we are also on a standby to answer your questions. If you want Daniel Deladem to speak to your group please contact us by email.
Unknown number is calling, oh god, no

We know the direct line to God but we refuse to pick up His calls when He calls.

Hearing from God

Part 1 -   God Created Mankind to hear from Him

God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them Genesis 1:27.

God created man as a Spirit like Himself so there was no barrier to speaking to God and hearing from God, look at Genesis 3:9" And the voice of the Lord God came to the man, saying, Where are you?"

When Adam and Eve chose to be more of a fleshly being by choosing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God did not take the ability to hear from them.

However the order changed when flesh gained control in man and the spirit was subdued and relegated to the background. Remember, Man has a Spirit, Soul and body.

The revelation here is that, as fleshly beings, man has to die to be back in spirit form to be able to speak to or hear from God.This is what the devil desires, that throughout the course of the life of a man on earth, he would not hear from God, be cut off from God and be only under his control.

Thus his main aim to deceive Adam and Eve to make the wrong choice, so that when they are not able to hear from God, they automatically cannot live a destiny that would please God.

But despite the impossibility that was created by the disobedience of Adam and Eve, and the fact that they were kicked out of the Spirit controlled life; the only wise God left a channel open so that He could still talk to his creations despite becoming more of the flesh. Jesus is that channel; he came to fully restore man to the state of a revived spirit being.

The plan of God is that we remain as Spirit beings; refer to Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creepers creeping on the earth."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In the perplexing times what do you do?

In the perplexing times what do you do, how have you coped, did you come out triumphant? We all go through the perplexing times, and what we do in our perplexing times determines our status in Christ. It determines whether we are victorious or we have to build more faith to stand the next round of perplexing times.
Look at what the Apostle said "In every way having been troubled, but not having been hemmed in; having been perplexed, but not utterly at a loss; having been persecuted, but not having been forsaken; having been thrown down, but not having been destroyed."
In the scripture above, in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, the Apostle Paul talked about being perplexed but not utterly at loss. It takes a revelation from God not to be discouraged during a perplexing time. 
I want to also bring you  the message translation of this scripture to give you a clearer view, "We've been surrounded and battered by troubles, but we're not demoralized; we're not sure what to do, but we know that God knows what to do; we've been spiritually terrorized, but God hasn't left our side; we've been thrown down, but we haven't broken. What they did to Jesus, they do to us—trial and torture, mockery and murder; what Jesus did among them, he does in us—he lives! Our lives are at constant risk for Jesus' sake, which makes Jesus' life all the more evident in us. While we're going through the worst, you're getting in on the best!"
Our God is a God who patiently and carefully accomplishes all that needs to be done in our life, in the same way He created the world in seven days instead of one, two or three days.
So during the periods when God is busy working out something for us; because we are not focused, not in tune or not being still, we definitely stand to be perplexed in that interim, because we simply do not understand what is going on, we cannot comprehend why stuff is not working out despite being in church every Sunday, attending the week day teachings and constantly listening to our favorite televangelist.
However, if we come to the point where Paul got to; it is very easy not to fret ourselves during the perplexing times because we know that if we do not become confused and perplexed as Satan wishes, Christ will be glorified in our lives.
Saul was in such a perplexing situation when he set out to search for his family's' donkeys, as narrated here "Kish owned some donkeys, but they had run off. So he told Saul, "Take one of the servants and go look for the donkeys." Saul and the servant went through the hill country of Ephraim and the territory of Shalishah, but they could not find the donkeys. Then they went through the territories of Shaalim and Benjamin, but still there was no sign of the donkeys," 1 Samuel 9:3-4.
In that situation he listened to counsel and made the decision to seek the face of God through the Prophet Samuel and through that, he found the will of God for his life.
Our Lord Jesus faced the perplexing times but through it all He kept connected to the Father and He did not miss the glory, He received the strength to go through that dark alley, at the end of which He was lifted up, read this "Christ was humble. He obeyed God and even died on a cross. Then God gave Christ the highest place and honored his name above all others. So at the name of Jesus everyone will bow down, those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And to the glory of God the Father everyone will openly agree, "Jesus Christ is Lord!" Philippians 2:8-11.
Are you perplexed, do not throw up your hands in despair because there is a change of destiny for you around the corner, just keep your eyes focused on the hill and remain STILL, and you will not miss the glory.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

David heard from God

An example of God speaking to a man directly without doing it through His word, servants or dreams is written in 1 Chronicles 28:11-12. “Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the portico of the temple, it's buildings, it's storerooms, it's upper parts, it's inner rooms and the place of atonement. He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit (of God) had put in his mind for the courts of the Lord.”
King David obeyed all the instructions he received from God concerning the building of the temple of God, as he waited and focused on the Lord. It was so vivid and a clear description from God so much that David said this in verse 19 of same chapter, “All this is contained in the plan written   according to the instructions which the Lord Himself gave me to carry out.”
As complex as the instructions were, he painstakingly catalogued every thing the Lord spoke to him through his spirit man. He did not choose what to obey because, he knew the temple was for the Lord and so it had to be built according to the architectural design of the Spirit of the Lord.
Understanding God after you have known Him ultimately depends on complete sacrifice of obedience; that is listening and obeying God without which the relationship or walk cannot flourish.
To obey, you need to do what Samuel did in 1 Samuel:3, it takes focus, waiting and listening to the Lord, for God definitely has a lot to say to whoever continues to know Him.
When God began to talk with us, we wrote a lot down so much that we thought after a while, the Spirit of God would not have much to say to us again. However, we found out the Lord had much more to say to us, but the catch there was we had to obey what we received initially before more is given to us.

Friday, May 4, 2012

How is your Dominion?

Yes he (Adam) went ahead and built a city, in today’s terms, he was a real estate developer, but one thing we need not forget is that he walked out of his destiny like his parents and did nothing to please God.
Is it a trend that Adam lost his dominion so all men also lost their dominion, indeed so it was until God found people like Noah, Abraham and others who knew the truth and rose up to subdue and dominate whatever was contrary to the will of God for their lives, this they did victoriously.
Until the story changed gloriously when the Lord Jesus Christ openly restored, re-established and redeemed dominion for humanity to walk victoriously with Him, as recounted in Matthew 28:18, “And Jesus came, and spoke to them, saying, All power is given to me in heaven and upon earth.”
Cartoon Star Character Flexing His Muscles clipart

Destiny and Time

On the way to Padan Aram where Laban lived, God appeared to Jacob and the following ensued: “In a dream he saw a ladder that reached from earth to heaven, and God's angels were going up and down on it. The Lord was standing beside the ladder and said: I am the Lord God who was worshiped by Abraham and Isaac. I will give to you and your family the land on which you are now sleeping. Your descendants will spread over the earth in all directions and will become as numerous as the specks of dust. Your family will be a blessing to all people. Wherever you go, I will watch over you, then later I will bring you back to this land. I won't leave you--I will do all I have promised,” Genesis 28:12-15.

This was the revelation of the destiny of Jacob by God, to confirm that He the Lord, was in agreement with the journey especially the need to look for a wife.
However, time was of essence to God which is why ‘the woman of God’ Rebecca specifically told him to spend a short time with Laban, to do what he needed to do, but unfortunately, he fell into the snare of the devil which came through a seemingly nice looking proposal. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

How God Speaks

Apart from having an encounter with God when God decides to speak to a man through whatever means He chooses, whether through an angel or a voice without form, God has several ways to speak to a man.
He can speak to you through his Prophets who speak the mind of God. He may speak to you through dreams and visions whereby whether you are awake or asleep, God would show you whatever He wants you to know.

God can also give you a direction through your spirit man, which is the spirit-to-spirit communication.He can also speak to you through His Word, by leading you to certain portions of scripture and impressing it upon you to do accordingly, or through the prompts of the Holy Spirit.

Prompts of the Holy Spirit: When God decided not to strive or bother mankind by talking to them directly like He did with Adam and Eve, because men refused to obey Him, Satan was excited that mankind would not hear from God and he would take control of humanity, since he had gotten men to be more of fleshly being instead of being more of spiritual beings.
The only wise God began to use a different channel of communication that the devil would not be able to control; which is the prompts and quickening of the Spirit of God.
Thus having become more of fleshly beings, God chose not to appear to humans as He did in the Garden of 
Eden, but as a Father He gave prompts to mankind whether they are Christians or not, which explains why men always say "I feel like."
So when you "feel like" doing the right things, that is God actually speaking to you to take that action.
Note this: when Satan found out about this channel he took advantage of it, look at this verse, "The evening meal was being served, and the devil had already prompted Judas Iscariot, son of Simon, to betray Jesus" John 13:2.

The 'feelings' are available for all but after salvation a vessel that is yielded to the Holy Spirit becomes quickened by the Spirit of God. These 'feelings' become REEL TIME, faster than the ATM, they become the leading, prompts and directions of the Holy Spirit.

The Spirit of the Lord revealed this to me saying, "I do not deal with the feeling of men, not that I am indifferent to their feelings, but through those feelings I lead yielded vessels."
God speaks through His Prompts whereby the Spirit of God would Quicken, Propel, Move, Remind, Encourage and Persuade mankind to obey His desires and directions. Here is a teaching the Lord on this topic, “My Word says that My Spirit strives with no man, but it quickens and prompts them that are called by my name and that is the difference.
My Spirit quickens burdens and illuminates.
As you understand all I have said and you live by it, it is well with you. As you understand perfectly the role of the Holy Spirit, it is well with you.
My role must be understood in the life of every of My children and it is only by so doing that My people can walk in liberty, knowing My Will and walking the Way, but when My people do not know My Will and Role, it is not good.
I prompt, I direct, I quicken, I Teach BUT I DO NOT STRIVE with any man, and that is why men choose to do that which they do, thinking that they know Me and understand My Way but it shall not be so with you, and so you shall be careful of such fellows, you shall not walk with such fellows.
You shall walk with Me seeking only My counsel; My counsel are unlimited.
Many have not understood the Holy Spirit, they are waiting for the Holy Spirit to strive with them, and when I do not strive with them, they become wise in their own eyes and disobey My prompts and quickening.
To all them that have chosen to live by My prompts and quickening, it is well with them for I am still God, let them wait and listen to My prompts and quickening and not My striving, which I never do.
My Word says "woe unto them that are complacent in Zion"; you shall not be complacent in Zion. You shall be alert and Zealous in Zion, for in Zeal, Paul and all the Apostles were able to walk in their destiny, says the Lord.”

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