Monday, March 19, 2012

Checking up your Alliances in your destiny

King Jehoshaphat married none other, than the daughter of Jezebel wife of King Ahab. This great man of God began to deal with people who had no regard for the God who made him great and wealthy. He started hanging out with people who spiritually belonged to other kingdoms but physically were Israelites. People the bible described as wicked; at this point the king broke one of the most disregarded commandments of the scriptures, "suffer not the wicked to live," and thereby created an open door for the devil to enter his affairs.
Note: it is not about the wicked being killed physically in this era of God the Holy Spirit, it is making sure the wicked are not found around you, putting a clear demarcation between you and the wicked spiritually and physically: this you can only do with the partnership and help of the Holy Spirit.  
A friendship alliance developed between father in law and son in law, and they began to enter into partnerships, which was unholy before God. Consequently, along the line Ahab invited his son in law to help him in a battle, a man living his destiny in dominion fights and wins his battles by the will and directions of the Spirit of God in the name of Jesus Christ, so how is he going to help someone who depends on Satan and lives a destiny controlled by Satan?
Now just before the battle, Jehoshaphat, a man who knew the rules of living a destiny designed by God, insisted they sought directions from God in 2 Chronicles 18:4, "Then Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel, Let us now get directions from the Lord." This he did not do with his marriage; for I am pretty sure God would not have allowed him to marry the ‘daughter of abomination.’
It is necessary to mention here that after the call on the Lord and the discovery of your destiny, one thing the Lord does is to quicken the Holy Spirit gift of discernments to enable destiny people make right real time decisions even before they find time to seek the face of God for directions, but unfortunately despite the availability of this very precious and important gift, most people decide to use it only when they want, but not when it is necessary, this is an attitude which the Spirit of God describes as the folly of men. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The truth about destiny

A truth which you may not understand is that, whether you profess to know God or belong to the group which say there is no God, the fact that you were created by God and continue to live on the supernatural breath pulling mechanism of God, means that you are living some parts of your God given destinies; you are alive!

The revelation of Desiny

Though many are ignorant or confused by what Destiny is, one man in the Bible knew and understood every detail about the Destiny of men.
King David, one time King of Israel, who had a very close relationship with God, wrote in Psalm 139:16, “but with your own eyes you saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything I would do.”
Oh, what an amazing revelation for us all. 
This is the crux of the matter.